The Good Place: A humorous, happy, human and heart-moving must-watch TV-Series
Short: You should watch the TV-Series “The Good Place”. Read here about a few pointers as to why.
When I visited my best friend (currently living abroad) with my partner came with and we stayed at his appartment for (thanks Simon <3). Early during our visit we had a relaxing evening and when asking if he had something enjoyable to watch, he said he just started this a new show and we could just jump in alongside as we’d not missed much yet. The show — you’ve guessed it — ‘The Good Place’.
Read here for all the info about how The Good Place (TGP) was created, who the actors are and all that interesting stuff that I’m not going to write about today. I want to pitch to you, maybe the most entertaining TV Series I ever watched!
TGP runs over 4 seasons. Has an oh so clean and emotionally rewarding ending and by the end is done with the story/stories it wanted to tell. The show is very bingeable with 12 episodes each season and every episode running just over 20 minutes. When you are hooked you can perfectly binge a season each weekend and be through with the fantastic experience after a month. Or you can have two to three episodes every evening — with some binging on the weekend and be done in two weeks. The episodes neatly flow into each other and the intro doesn’t bog you down as its nice and short.
There are so many gritty and broody shows and they all seem to try to outdo each other in blood and gore. There seems little good shows between those blood-fests and teeny-shows. Enter this amazing clever-humor-philosophy-show.
The craftsmanship of TGP is amazing. The story wants to explore moral philosophy and wants to do this in an educational, humorous, and clever way. And god does it do just that. Story telling is at a constant pace but leaves enough character building to be invested while not being boring (and wow is this a difficult task nowadays! so WELL DONE). You learn to love all the characters rather quickly. Challanges are clever and funny and the humor keeps the show upbeat and enjoyable. Character growth, pacing and story progression are interlinked. The call backs and well developed inside jokes give a sense of “I got that” and community-feeling to the watcher. And all that links to a great warm feeling!
It is very much rewatchable and suits itself insanely well to being watched in groups. Best with people you live together so you can binge more easily (because its just so nice to keep watching). With the dark time of the year approaching (at least on the northern hemisphere) TGP is THE show I want to recommend to you!
Thanks for reading! Stay beautiful <3