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A Great New Way to Eat Wraps: Small Lifechangers #1

Short: As a lifelong learner, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of mastering a new skill. But there's an even greater joy that comes from learning to do something old differently. This week: Using old ingredients - add a new meal to your repertoire.

Today an easy one. But a great one.

Wraps are only a kind of meal that I got into more recently. Before I did not enjoy them too much. But when I started to put warm stuff (e.g. chicken nugget strips, baked salami slices) in them and I learned how to properly roll a wrap (this post is not about rolling a wrap - theres good videos on that) I started liking wraps a whole lot.

And how could you not? They expire quite late, you can put basically all your savoury fridge left-overs on them, and they are quick to make.

Now, to get to it and make wraps even more amazing to eat, let me introduce to you a new way to garnish your wraps: Wrap Triangles!

  1. You start of with putting a kind of “sauce” (hummus; ketchup; mayonnaise;…) on all of the wrap.

  2. Imagining the circular wrap to be a clock-face: Cut from the 12 o’clock to the center.

  3. Imagining the clock-face still: garnish the 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock quarter with all the stuff that should not be warm

  4. Still clock-face imagination (CFI): fold the 1 to 3 down onto the 3 to 6

  5. Still CFI: garnish the 6 to 9 and 9 to 12 with stuff that should be warm (CHEESE!)

  6. CFI: fold the 1to3-and-3to6-stack onto the 6to9 and then on the 9to12

  7. no longer CFI: put the triangle-wrap-stack (TWS) in a pan with some oil and gently fry the TWS so its brown on both sides and the stuff that should be warm (CHEESE!) is sufficiently warm (look that the stuff that needs to be cool, stays sufficiently cool)

  8. be mindful of the hot stuff

  9. eat an amazing triangle wrap!

  10. (optional) repeat

Further Ideas: You can have different sauces on different layers of the TWS, simply alternate them on every quarter. You can also eat it sweet: e.g. banana + nutella. If you use little oil, you can have it as finger food to go.

Try it and tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading! Stay beautiful <3